For business software, point of sale features in the retail world are a must have if you are considering upgrades to the software you currently use. Particularly in home goods and furnishings, many point of sale systems require flexibility and features that not all software adequately features. When you are working with a complex retail situation, you need powerful retail POS software to resolve those complexities.For home goods, the answer is PROFITsystems, a HighJump product. With PROFITsystems you get the ultimate in business software, point of sale accessibility, and flexible tools that help you make the most of your retail operations. From customer queries and files to inventory management that actually provides workable data, our software is an industry standard for improving your retail operations in measurable ways that improve your bottom line.
This is not your average point of sale software. When it comes to accurate inventory in the retail world, you simply cannot rely on the bottom line number of items on the shelf. You need to know how quickly items sold, where and when they were most popular, and if an item is worth taking up valuable shelf space. Just because there’s one on the shelf does not mean that an item is worth restocking. That lamp you’ve had on clearance for the last five years may have finally made its way out the door, but you certainly wouldn’t order more of them!
With PROFITsystems, you get inventory information that works for you. See charts and graphic representation of sales popularity over time, down to individual styles and finishes and which salespeople were responsible for showing the item. Use our powerful inventory tools to get a real picture of what is selling and what isn’t, and improve your spending, inventory restocking, and bottom line while you keep your clients happy.
With PROFITsystems you can see the sales records of your employees quickly and easily. See if a sales representative excels in a given area or lags in another, and utilize your staff’s talents accordingly. Don’t let your best sales people go unrewarded, either. You can track performance in a given area, performance over time, and even performance during different times of the day. With PROFITsystems you can see who deserves incentives and bonuses, and keep morale and sales high. For the best business software, point of sale tools, and retail management options, look to PROFITsystems today.